Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month

The Loss Of Our Son George At 21 Weeks
Cissie Wetmiller
October 1, 2024
Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month

Cissie Wetmiller


October 1, 2024

October is pregnancy loss awareness month and in the United States, 1 in every 175 births result in a stillbirth and between 1 and 5% of pregnancies are lost in the second trimester. My husband Matt and I lost babies back-to-back, half-way through my pregnancy, 2 times in a row, all in 1 calendar year. We are real people who saw this statistic pan out not just once, but twice early on in our marriage.

This was honestly a very tough blow to us, but it has been something that changed our lives individually, as a couple, and as a family indefinitely - for the better! That was pain like I have never felt before, but I honestly feel so grateful for it now. It changed me in the best possible way. I once said I would never wish my journey on my worst enemy, and now it is something I hold dear and treasure as a beautiful and life-giving part of my story.

We wanted to share our testimony to bring awareness and hope to women who have gone or are going through this. Though our loss is specific to pregnancy, we know that loss, grief, and pain are not unique to us, but rather they are characteristic of every single person’s journey, in some way, shape or form. We all go through loss in our lives, and maybe through our story, you may find a glimmer of hope that can offer hope and assurance to  you in your own story.  

To hear the full story of the loss of our son George at 21 weeks, listen to the Getting Healthy With Cis Show on all major streaming platforms like Apple Podcast and Spotify or watch on YouTube.

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